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Irving ISD Considers Guns On Campus

Update 9:40 p.m.

IRVING (CBS 11 NEWS) - At its Monday night evening, Irving ISD board members did not vote on the proposal to allow district employees to bring weapons on school campuses.  The board may decide to take up the issue again at a later date.


IRVING (CBS 11 NEWS) - The Board of Education for the Irving School district is considering a major shift of its campus ban of firearms.

Board members will discuss during a Monday evening meeting whether employees should be allowed to bring guns onto school district property.

A sitting board member brought this up for consideration.  If it passed, Irving could become the largest Texas school district that provides gun access to a public school campus.

Currently, all firearms are banned on Irving ISD property.  The proposed change would allow district employees, teachers included, to keep a handgun in their car or truck, on school district property, if they carry a concealed handgun license.

One board member brought this idea to the table, after hearing from teachers he said.

"The wording says one with a concealed license could bring weapon with them to the parking lot, and secure it in the vehicle," says Irving ISD Trustee Jerry Christian.

However, Board President, Ronda Huffstetler indicated she would vote against the proposal.

"I think it's gonna send a message," commented Huffstetler.  "Not sure it's the message we send to those coming to and from work."

The Board's formal meeting starts at 7 p.m. Monday, where public input on this issue will be allowed.  The board may decide to vote on or table this proposal at that time.

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