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Irritating The Redskins Fan In Your Life

DALLAS (105.3 THE FAN) -- We've asked this question before on The K&C Masterpiece and it's time to do it again.

What will you do this weekend to irritate the Redskins fan in your life?

I originally brought this up during Christmas last year because of my neighbor. He is a die hard Skins fan. When I moved into the house across the street from him I noticed we got along well, both liked sports, had kids and shared an affinity for ice cold beer.

I thought this dude might be the perfect neighbor. Then football season came around and I said do you want to watch the Cowboys game, and he said "well I'm a Redskins fan."

At this point we were close enough that we could rag on each other and no hard feelings. But I struck first.

When it snowed last year I went over to his house and drew a big Cowboys star in his front yard with my foot. He watched through the window to see what I was doing and then later, after Romo threw that ill-fated interception to lose yet another NFC East Championship game, he came over with a bunch of plums and said "I picked these from my plum tree, you know cause us Redskins are good at picking things."


During the summer the curb address spray painter guy knocked on my door and asked if I would pay the $20 to get my address looking fresh. I said sure, and I'd pay the extra $20 for my neighbors. He had a stencil with a star on it. I thought it only fitting that a Redskins fan would have a sweet star on his curb right next to his address every day that he saw as he pulled into his driveway at home.

So it's been back and forth like this for a while, and again now as the Cowboys face an almost must-win against the Redskins. A game in which, if they lose and the Eagles win, Philly would clinch the East. We need to irritate Redskins fans.

So I ask you, how are you doing your part Cowboys fans? Do you have a co-worker who wears a Mike Shanahan windbreaker to work too often? Or a friend who refuses to tell his dad to stop trying to get a new boss for him?

Then come forth!

Yell 'Go Cowboys' in their faces. Put an air horn under their chair so when they sit down it sounds off! Instant Potato their yards in the Cowboys star shape. Whatever you do, make sure that Skins fans know this Sunday is ours!

Hear Cory weeknights 6-11 with The K&C Masterpiece and follow him @inthemageors on twitter.

(©2013 CBS Local Media, a division of CBS Radio Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

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