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Inside The Keys: Game 3, It's Almost Over

DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - If we picked out the four key plays that created the complexion of Game 3 between the Mavericks and Thunder, it would really just be two.

First quarter  :15 seconds in, Serge Ibaka for the tip-in, Thunder up 2-0.

First quarter  4 minutes left, Rick Carlisle goes bananas!

If I was editing video for highlights, every clip would have been James Harden driving to the basket every time the Mavs made some semblance of a run.

But, we're not doing that today.

Today we're going to pick out the four big problems with what we see right now. Why this Mavericks teams is showing absolutely no competitive gumption.

1.    Jason Kidd's three is missing.

Jason Kidd hit 133 three-pointers last year totaling 399 points. This year, 79 for 237 points.

During the playoffs last year he was shooting 37 percent and when he hit one in the second half, it probably meant he was going to hit four more.

This year he is shooting 27 percent, and has just over one three per game.

I don't know if it's age, or if it's injury, or if it's the fact that he finally won his championship, now he's just trying to solidify his standing in the statistics category.

But, Kidd was Dirk's Batman to Superman in the Justice League last year while JET played the role of the Flash. Without Kidd at full-health, age or motivation, this team simply stands as a solemn shell of the 2010-2011 Champions we saw roast the Heat last year.

2.    Dirk

Look. We all love you Dirk, trust us, we've defended you for years, and then we felt part of what happened when you finally won that championship. I could write a marathon of the things you've done that make us proud.

But, in this Game 3 outing you looked as disinterested as you have since the All-Star Game. James Harden blows by you and you don't do a thing, like eight times. Your shoulders are slouched, your shot is off and the rest of the team is supposed to feed off of your offense, and cover for your lack of defensive capability.

When your offense is missing entirely, nobody wants to be there. Which brings us to point No. 2

3.    No capable center.

Yes, I was right about the absence of Tyson Chandler, my co-host Kevin was wrong.

Chandler not being on the court to make up for Dirk's lack of "quick-muscle reflex" and the inability of Brendan Haywood to finish, while standing around and waiting for all of the other guys to jump then trying to go up for a soft lay-up, Ian Mahimi well where has he gone, and Brendan Wright who is undersized against the long OKC rebounders.

It's true, Chandler isn't here, and that's a problem. But, it can be fixed in the off-season, the front office just has to get creative. Right? Please tell me I'm right.

4.   Dwayne Casey is in Toronto.

The Mavs have been good defensively this year. You're right, but their defense hasn't led them to offensive greatness.

They haven't had quick turnovers that lead to easy points. In fact, the team has been almost incapable of "stealing" the ball from OKC since Game 1.

Without easy points, and a sub-par Dirk, the Mavs aren't able to make sustained runs especially being down double-digits early on.

But hey, there's always Game 4 right?


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