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In Case You Missed It... September 3rd, 2010

Here's what you missed Friday on the Jay Mcfarland show.

More about Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson and recent allegations that she wrongly gave scholarships to family members and friends. A CBS story spoke with students who supposedly did not qualify for the scholarships because they had already been given to students who didn't live in the right district or qualify themselves. Is this misappropration of funds? Is it embezzlement? Jay takes your calls.


Jay talks about debates and their importance. There will be a debate in the upcoming Arizona governor's race, but not one here in Texas. Debates help the voters see the candidates in a a new way, in a place where they are forced to back up what they say they believe. However, there are a lot of people who would do well in office who aren't very good public speakers. Do we put too much emphasis on this?


What do we need to do to stimulate the economy? Is this the "new normal"? Before there was a lot of credit card debt, living paycheck to paycheck, buying homes we couldn't afford. Now we are saving more money because people are afraid of unemployment. But we need people to spend money to help boost our economy! What else can we do?


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