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Hundreds Show Up To Meeting On Future Of Fair Park

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DALLAS (CBS11) - The future of Fair Park may include a private management operation, given the directive to turn the Dallas park into a fully-developed destination site for families and visitors alike.

The Dallas City Council, along with Mayor Mike Rawlings, held a special public hearing Monday about the future of the park.

Hundreds of citizens filled the auditorium of the Hall of State building that sits within the boundaries of the park.

Dozens lined up to offer their opinions about the South Dallas park known for the State Fair of Texas.

"We want green space, ball fields, a food co-op," Anna Hill told the council.

Hill lives near the historic landmark, known as the site of the 1936 Texas Centennial.  She and other residents who reside within the Fair Park area urge the city to cement parking lots that serve as concrete corridors between the park and the neighborhood.

"Fair Park is enclosed, encased, in and of itself, and the community is on the outside. Fair Park needs to let down those walls," resident Ilithia Morris said.

Who will lead the effort to transform the park is uncertain.

The actual direction of park development also remains undetermined. But if the "standing room only" crowd at Monday's meeting is any indication, Dallas residents want to make Fair Park a destination site that extends beyond the 30 days the State Fair comes to town.

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