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Higher Degrees Mean Better Career Opportunities For City Of Dallas Employees

Dallas City Employee Pamela Jones says that the most important part about her education was pursuing a higher education. The city of Dallas recognizes employees who work to improve their skills and abilities.

Where do you work and what is your position?

"I work for the City of Dallas in the Housing/Community Services Department. My current position is the interim program manager for the Home Repair Program. The required degree for this position is a bachelor's degree. I have earned an MBA in management from Texas Woman's University."

What was the most useful part of your education?

"The most useful part about my education was pursuing a higher degree. It goes beyond pedagogical considerations or scholarly aspirations. My education has provided me with the most essential survival tool, and that is resourcefulness. I've learned from experience that the higher your educational attainment is, the better your chances are of creating opportunities for yourself. And the better your opportunities are, the better your quality of life can be. My degree has provided excellent networking of contacts and more chances for improving my lot in life with opportunities for a better job, and better economic status."

How do you think working for the City of Dallas is unique from other cities?

"What makes the City of Dallas unique from other cities is that it has a diverse, vibrant, progressive and engaging workforce. The city continues to attract, recruit and hire quality individuals to be employees for the City of Dallas. It also develops, motivates, rewards and recognizes City of Dallas employees who seek to improve their skills and abilities. It continuously embraces change and develops new ways of providing services."

Do you have advice for anyone interested in working for the City of Dallas?

"My advice for someone interested in working for the City of Dallas is to research your area of interest, gain knowledge and experience in that area of interest, and try to create networking opportunities. Dallas is rich in resources, so get your education and plan for a secure future."

Judy Serrano writes romantic thrillers at She graduated from Texas A&M Commerce with a BA in English. She is also a freelance writer for She lives in Texas with her husband, four boys and five dogs.

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