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High-Powered Panel Heads FWISD Superintendent Search

FORT WORTH (CBSDFW.COM) - Sharp divisions on the Fort Worth ISD Board of Education could be a factor in the search for a new superintendent.

The infighting on the board is no secret and anyone applying for the top job in the Fort Worth ISD will certainly know that.

Superintendent search panel member Mike Moses said the discord could turn out to be a positive factor.

"Once they actually sit down together and start talking about what they want for their children and what they want for their schools, it can be a positive," said the former Texas Commissioner of Education and former DISD superintendent.

But Moses admitted the board disharmony is something candidates will consider when applying.

"And the people that will look at this position are gonna be pretty sophisticated school executives and they're gonna pay attention to what's going on in the district, and they're going to access their own chances of success."

Another member of the panel, former U.S Secretary of Education Rod Paige, said schools should be at a higher level.

"I'm extremely interested in Texas, as a state, assuming it's rightful place among the leaders of states in student achievement," said Paige. "I personally don't believe Texas can do that unless the major urban centers are successful."

The panel spent the day in private listening sessions with local groups and will present an initial report to the Fort Worth school board Monday night.

School board trustees hope to have the final candidates identified by December 12.

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