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HazMat Rig Crashes On Way To Spill

DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - An accident involving hazardous materials effected drivers during rush-hour Friday at the 4200 block of Northwest Highway and Midway Road.

Dallas Fire-Rescue put out the sanitation truck fire though and all lanes were re-opened by 9 p.m. As they were fighting it, they noticed diesel fuel leaking from one of the saddle tanks of the truck. Mixing with the water used to fight the fire, it traveled eastbound, downhill about half-a-block, towards a storm drain at the Midway Road intersection.

Firefighters were able to place booms (barriers) and absorbent around the drain, but not before an unknown amount of fluid entered it.

Forty to 50 gallons of fuel leaked from the truck onto the street, according to officials. Storm Water Management will assess the storm drain to determine how much, if any, actually made it into the drain.

A HazMat rig en route to the scene had a minor crash. No one was hurt in that accident, and they were still able to make it to the scene eventually.

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