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Hamilton Continues To Be Free Agent Mystery

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (CBS SPORTS) - The mysterious Josh Hamilton market gets a little murkier and a little more mysterious by the day. Baltimore Orioles general manager Dan Duquette as much as admitted they were "probably not" going to be able to sign Hamilton, reducing a largely unknown field by one.

Folks around the game are wondering where the market is for easily the most talented and accomplished player available as a free agent. One person, who is plugged in just about everywhere, said he hasn't heard a word. And Hamilton's longtime agent, Michael Moye, declined comment, as is his policy, when approached Sunday.

Of course, there could always be one (or more), considering Hamilton is an immense talent and still only 31. The Seattle Mariners, Boston Red Sox, Philadelphia Phillies and Milwaukee Brewers all have been portrayed as a potential suitor.

It's possible the Texas Rangers are looking to have played this situation exactly right. Rather than dive in for a big offer on Hamilton, they decided to let him shop around first. He may well be finding some possible landing spots, but no solid ones have immediately become clear, at least not publicly.

Some Rangers people understandably wonder about the deep-pocketed Phillies, who stole Rangers ace Cliff Lee two winters ago out of nowhere and are known to keep a great secret. Phillies CEO Dave Montgomery did not rule out a run at Hamilton when asked a couple of weeks ago whether Hamilton was a possibility.

But in any case, the Rangers have some hope now. They are currently trying to land top free agent starter Zack Greinke. And if they do, they are said not to have room to bring back Hamilton. However, Texas can't be seen as the favorite for Hamilton as long as the newly rich Dodgers are in the mix.

Rangers people, while frustrated by myriad injuries that struck Hamilton last year, are cognizant of his value as an offensive performer. Despite his vast array of aches and pains, Hamilton did have 43 home runs and 128 RBI in 2012. So even though Hamilton has been looking around (and the Rangers have, too), it shouldn't be assumed he's going elsewhere.

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