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(Halloween) Style: Peanut Butter Oreo Brownie Bar

Our friends over at You+Dallas have some great stories and blogs about life in the city.  Here, we're sharing some of their work with you.

This is one of the most decadent recipes we've ever seen.  We're a little afraid to try it because it looks so awesomely addictive.

(Photo credit

From Hilary Kennedy's post on You+Dallas' Style blog:

After so many great responses to the S'mores Pie recipe posted earlier this month, it only seems fitting that one more delectable recipe be available to those of you who are in the mood to bake deliciously sweet treats for Halloween.  Today's sinful recipe comes from the super cool site, and it's not only simple to make, but is sure to become a family tradition after you take just one bite. Plus, it contains a secret to make your boxed brownie mix taste much, much better. (Check out the blog for that secret!)

Follow this link for the recipe.

(You+Dallas content copyright 2011:You+Dallas.  Used with permission.)

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