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GREAT VIDEO: Bear Cub Climbs Ladder To Reunite With Mom

VILAS COUNTY, Wisconsin (CBSDFW.COM) - It was one paw ahead of the other that helped a bear cub in Wisconsin make a great escape -- up a ladder!

Game wardens with the Department of Natural Resources were called to home to help rescue a bear cub trapped in a newly constructed open basement.

Warden Supervisor Dave Walz had just finished his shift when he got the call about the curious bear cub.

The cub's mother watched from afar, but the little bear's cries could be heard far away.

The homeowner helped Walz place a ladder down into the basement and then the pair stepped back. With words of encouragement from the men, it didn't take long before the cub slowly began to climb up the ladder and out of it's temporary, open-air dungeon.

After scaling the ladder, the cub ran into a wooded area.

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