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Perry Close To 'Making His Intentions Clear' About 2012

AUSTIN (KRLD/AP) – Gov. Rick Perry is now said to be very close to "making his intentions clear" about his possible bid for the White House.

This was met with excitement from conservative Republicans, many of whom have hoped for a candidate who can "prosecute Obamacare." Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is the frontrunner now, but many on the right see his universal health care law as the blueprint for what was eventually passed by a Democratic Congress and signed by President Obama.

This promise of clarification also follows Democratic Strategist Jason Stanford's assessment of this weekend's prayer rally. Stanford, who has said he has a PhD in getting his butt kicked by Rick Perry, thinks the rally "establishes him (Perry) as the frontrunner for the Republican nomination."

Scott Braddock spoke with GOP strategist Matt Mackowiak about the recent developments Monday in the KRLD Austin Bureau:


Perry's staff refused to discuss his plans beyond issuing a statement from spokesman Mark Miner: "The governor is not a candidate for office at this time. With President Obama's dismal economic record, and Texas' success in creating jobs and balancing our budget, Gov. Perry continues to consider a potential run for the White House. Stay tuned."

Perry's advisers have been laying the groundwork for a campaign in early primary states and honing a strategy. Draft movements filled with grassroots volunteers have sprung up in numerous states, including Iowa, where supporters are trying to get an organization in place that would allow Perry to compete in the leadoff caucuses early next year despite a relatively late entrance into the field.

Perry has met privately with donors in Texas and has said in private conversations with Iowa GOP leaders and others that he would likely mount a caucus campaign. His senior political consultant, David Carney, has begun scouting for potential staff in Iowa and elsewhere. And Perry has strategically given media interviews to news outlets in early primary states over the past few weeks.

All that has left little doubt about his intentions. Still, Perry has been publicly coy.

His entrance into the field could dramatically shake up the contest because the conservative Texan could attract both social and economic conservatives at a time when the GOP electorate is unsettled with the current slate of candidates. Many have been campaigning for months and are trying to break out of the pack to emerge as the top challenger to GOP front-runner Romney.

Perry allies argue that he provides the full package for those in the party looking to take down Romney; they say Perry is both credible on social issues and strong on economic issues given Texas' recent job growth and could provide a strong contrast to Romney, a former business executive with a jobs message who has reversed positions on some issues social conservatives hold dear.

Over the weekend, Perry sent a strong message to cultural conservatives by holding a national prayer rally in Houston. It attracted roughly 30,000 evangelicals who spent a day praying, singing and testifying about their faith.

Texas' longest-serving governor has long been scheduled to speak to a bloggers convention in Charleston, S.C., on Saturday, instead of being in Ames, Iowa, for the straw poll.

His office announced Monday that he planned to appear in New Hampshire that day as well, a disclosure that fueled speculation that he was getting ready to announce an official campaign.

His aides wouldn't disclose details of the New Hampshire visit, but a New Hampshire GOP operative says Perry will attend a house party at the home of state Rep. Pam Tucker in Greenland, N.H. The operative was not authorized to speak publicly and requested anonymity.

Perry plans to deliver a speech to the Alabama GOP on Friday.

(The Associated Press contributed to this report.) 

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