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"Gotta Hat It" Fundraiser Raising Skin Cancer Awareness

DALLAS (CBS 11 NEWS) - May is Melanoma Month and some local celebrities are joining with DermOne to fight the most common form of cancer in the U.S., skin cancer.  It may surprise you to know who's the most at risk.

There are more new cases of skin cancer than breast, prostate, lung and colon cancer combined.

Carolyn Kim, M.D., board-certified dermatologist with DermOne, shared who's the most at risk.

"People hear about skin cancer and they think, that's an old persons cancer, but melanoma is one of the top one's for people under the age of 29."

DermOne has created an event to raise awareness and funds, called DermOne's GOTTA HAT IT.  It's a fundraiser that also promotes hat awareness.

Eleven local celebrities created hats that will be auctioned off during the month of May with the final winners being announced May 31st.

Radio personalities, national fashion designers even Ruth Buzzi created the hats to be auctioned off.

Leslie Ezelle, winner of HGTV "All-Star" is also one of the hat designers but her reasons were bigger than being a local celebrity.

"My father is battling this disease that we all want to turn our cheek to, and I'm a breast cancer survivor so I thought it was a really great cause to be involved with."

Her hat represents her work as a designer and her life as a cancer survivor.

"I wanted to incorporate my motto for when I was going through breast cancer.  You are a fighter for life so be bold and get busy living.  You are a beautiful survivor so love your life, pursue your life and make every minute matter."

Click here for more information on the fundraiser.

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