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Good Samaritans Wade Through Water To Help The Stranded

FORT WORTH (CBS 11 NEWS) - Business owners and drivers worry about another round of heavy rain in the cultural district of Fort Worth.

Julie and Beau Armstrong posted a video on YouTube showing them attempting to help stranded drivers by wading through waist-high water.

The couple said they had just wrapped up eating at a nearby restaurant when they were caught in the downpour.

"My pregnant wife takes off in the new river that just formed," Beau explained. "I'm holding her arm making sure she remembers there's curbs down there and holes."

The couple said the water came up quickly and they were trying to get to anyone needing help.

"My first initial reaction was, 'is there anybody in the vehicle? Is there anybody we can help save?" Julie remembered. "My initial reaction was, 'no way. There is no way. I have never seen this in Fort Worth -- never in my life.'"

Thinking some drivers would have been more cautious, Beau had to push a few stranded cars out of the water. "Every time we see somebody drive down we'd think surely they are not going to try to drive through it," he said. "The water level rose so fast we walked out and before we knew it we were up to our waist in water."

Other business owners also tried to help. Roger Smith, with Red Dog Studios, said it took about five minutes for the water to reach about four feet in depth.

"We were trying to discourage people from driving down the street into the water, because you couldn't tell how deep it was," explained Smith.

The warning didn't reach everyone and those were the drivers the Armstrong's were trying to rescue. Julie realized they were taking a risk to assist motorists. "I know it's probably safe to also stay out, but it's good to have people that help to."

Area business owners say they've seen a little bit of street flooding in the past, but nothing like what they experienced on Tuesday. They plan on talking to the city about what can be done in the future.

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