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Getting Workouts In, Even At Spring Training

Yu Darvish at Rangers spring training in Surprise, AZ (Photo by Gina Miller, CBSDFW.COM)

It's happened.  I'm multitasking way too much.  I'm writing this blog post as I log an interview with Rangers starting pitcher Yu Darvish following his first workout of the season in Surprise, Arizona.  His is an interview that has a bit of "downtime" because he still uses a Japanese interpreter and answers his question in his native tongue.

But the whole multitasking thing is good when you're trying to squeeze in a workout.  This actually came up in a conversation with Elf & Slater on the 105.3 the Fan Radio this morning from Surprise.  These days at spring training are packed.  We must be at the Rangers clubhouse at 8am to get pre-workout interviews.  We don't wrap up until around 930pm in the evenings.   There is little downtime but that doesn't mean I have to forgo exercise.  It's all about fitting it in when I can.  These are lessons you can incorporate into your busy day, too.

One thing I make sure to do is walk everywhere, even if it's inefficient.  I take the long way to get places just so I am moving.  I also squeeze in pushups, situps, dips and squats.  Wednesday morning, I did 100 ab exercises and 50 pushups.  Tonight I will do some squats, dips and lunges.  This is a segmented version of my Quickie Workout that you can do anywhere at any time.

I also use my iPad and do a yoga or pilates workout that's been downloaded.  If I get a free hour at night or at crackthirty in the morning, I will hit the hotel gym.  They key, to paraphrase Nike, is to just do it.

Getting in some exercise is a vital to our mental health as it is to our physical wellbeing.  In fact, I find it MOST important to stick to an exercise regime particularly when I am super-busy.  I'm more focused and do a better job when I've had that chance to decompress and get the blood flowing.

Workouts are particularly important when the famous Cookie Lady is here with her wonderful treats.  This morning I sampled Mench's Munchie's named after former Ranger Kevin Mench.  These are Ritz crackers filled with peanut butter and covered in chocolate almond bark.  Very good.

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