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Germans Celebrate Dirk's NBA Championship

BERLIN (AP) - Hundreds of fans in Dirk Nowitzki's hometown of Wuerzburg celebrated his first NBA title.

Fans watching the Dallas Mavericks beat the Miami Heat were joined by Nowitzki's father, Joerg.

He says "it is something really special for Dirk because he is finally recognized in America too as a real sporting great."

Germany national basketball team coach Dirk Bauermann says that Nowitzki's success "crowns a long journey." He says that "there is no one who has earned the championship more than Dirk."

Germany soccer coach Joachim Loew also offered his congratulations on "an outstanding achievement for which I have great respect."

(© Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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