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George P. Bush, David Watts Vie For Texas Land Commissioner Job

NORTH TEXAS (CBS 11 NEWS) - You know the family name. You know his famous Uncle. But Republican candidate for Texas Land Commissioner, George P. Bush is out to prove himself to voters, like those here in Fort Worth, and across the state.

During our one on one interview, the 37-year-old energy consultant told me he's heard the criticism he's part of a political dynasty.

Mr. Bush said, "I've said from day one of my campaign 15 months ago that I'm a man of my own right and my own vision, and obviously, I appreciate and love every member of my family and appreciate their public service to our country."

When asked if he's conservative enough, Mr. Bush said, "I believe I am." He pointed to the endorsements he's received including State Representative Matt Krause, a Tea-Party backed Republican from Fort Worth.

We spoke with Mr. Bush's primary opponent, Republican businessman David Watts of Longview on Skype.
Mr. Watts said, "People say we appreciate the Bush family, but we need a change. So with the tremendous support, we have a lot of confidence going into March 4th."

The General Land Office that Watts and Bush hope to run oversees the state's public lands, which, in part provides, hundreds of-million-dollars for Texas schools.

Watts cites a 2010 study that says it costs Texans $1 billion dollars to educate children who aren't U.S. citizens and whose parents are here illegally.

Mr. Watts said, "The question for me is whether or not Texas taxpayers should have to fund that, and I believe we shouldn't have to fund that." When asked who would pay for it, Watts said, "Immigration rights groups and organizations."

Mr. Bush says he will uphold the law of the land requiring taxpayers to foot the bill, and that he agrees with it.

"I do, I do. Education is the greatest equalizer in our country and in our state."

Political analysts say they believe because Bush is well-funded, and has high-name recognition, he will win the March 4th primary easily.

Follow Jack on Twitter: @cbs11jack

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