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Gateway Church elders apologize to woman who accused Pastor Robert Morris of sexual assault

Gateway Church elders apologize to accuser, welcome well-known pastor Max Lucado
Gateway Church elders apologize to accuser, welcome well-known pastor Max Lucado 01:22

SOUTHLAKE – Gateway Church elders on Saturday apologized to a woman who publicly accused former pastor Robert Morris of sexually assaulting her when she was a child.

The church also welcomed well-known pastor Max Lucado.

It all happened during the first services since Pastor James Morris stepped down. His father, founding Pastor Robert Morris, also resigned last month after the woman – Cindy Clemishire – said he sexually assaulted her when she was only 12 years old.

For the first time, Gateway elders addressed Clemishire directly.

"Cindy, in case you are watching, we want to again apologize to you on behalf of our entire church for the years of pain you have endured," said Trey Wilbanks, a Gateway elder. "To be clear, we believe that this was sexual abuse of a child. Any description falling short of that does not reflect our position. I'm sorry that we got that communication wrong. We are in no way attempting to cover up or minimize this situation. In fact, I would like to say to you Cindy, 'Thank you for coming forward.'" 

Meanwhile, church elders say they have brought in independent investigators to look into the accusations. Gateway officials say they will present those results soon while planning to improve future communications with church members.

In the meantime, Lucado, an author and former pastor from San Antonio, has temporarily joined Gateway as a teaching pastor.

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