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Frisco Schools Offering Free Lunches For More Security

FRISCO (CBS 11 NEWS) - America will soon observe the passing of one year since the Sandy Hook massacre.

Since that time, local school districts have struggled to find affordable ways to make classrooms safer.

But school officials in Frisco have come up with a novel idea that costs almost nothing.

The district has been offering free lunches to police officers in an effort to get more armed security inside schools.

"After Sandy Hook there was a lot in the media about police officers in schools," Doug Zambiasi, Frisco Assistant School Superintendent.

Doug Zambiasi created the program, which so far this year, has handed out more than 420 lunches at a total cost of only 13-hundred dollars.

"Not only it gives the officer a chance to interact with the kids, it gives the school another level of safety," says Brad Merritt, Frisco Police Officer.

Students get a chance to interact with police officers, and faculty members at schools like Bright Elementary get the peace of mind knowing they are protected.

"It was nice of them to come down here and talk to us," says Miles Barton, a fourth grade student.

Frisco Police
(credit: CBS 11 News)

"Knowing that they're in the building and walking around, it just makes us all feel a lot safer," says Susie Graham, Bright Elementary Principal.

Other new security measures such as remote controlled panic buttons are also being tested in some schools.

But sometimes the simplest ideas can make a difference and Frisco may have found a good one by just offering a free meal.

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