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#FreeDirk #TeamTank

The Dallas Mavericks won an NBA Championship.  Pretty cool right?

Alright, now we're over it.  I come to you today as a realistic Mavs fan, and a very sad person.  The time for #FreeDirk and #TeamTank are in full effect.

Before you call me a bad fan, let's look at this logically for around 43 seconds.  The Mavs were VERY careful about the way they scripted this out.  To get cap friendly (and by friendly I mean get rid of everyone) just in time for this summer, not only because it was supposed to be the time to bring D-Will and D-Ho to the DFW, but because they knew the new CBA would be kicking in at the same time.

Cuban's very smart.  New CBA, big time free agents, especially when they just watched the Heat win using the three amigos method, it's all lookin good!  Until we realized D-Will doesn't want to be in the DFW, because he looked at the situation like a young man who's going to make a lot of money looks at things.  It wasn't about "Hey look over here Deron, we've got CAP ROOM to fit in pieces around you and Dirk, there's the CHANCE for us to make something special happen over here."  He's a young fella, it was "show me who I'm playing with, show me I can win."  The Nets did it, the Mavs didn't.

Because Cuban is TOO smart.  Was his plan a good idea?  Sure.  The World Champ Mavs wouldn't have repeated, they would have ended up with contracts they regretted, it woulda been bad news bears.  The problem is that young players want to know who they're playing with, and cap space doesn't finish an alley-oop well.

Don't sell me on Dwight Howard.  He's not coming.  There is not a team you can put together with the free agents left that lets Dirk contend before his ability to be a major factor on a team is gone.  The solution is simple.


What's the deal with the Taco Bell Doritos Locos taco?  Don't get me wrong, everyone knows I can always go for a #8, two crunchy, one soft, no lettuce with a Mountain Dew.  But to have the shell of the taco be a nacho cheese dorito, on top of the fact that there's already cheese on the taco?  I'm declaring cheese overkill on this one.  I could be wrong.


Trade Dirk.

Calm down, stop yelling.

It's not because Dirk isn't good, it's not because he's not an icon in the city, it's because it's better for everyone.  Phoenix was nice enough to let Steve Nash go to the Lakers because it was a good situation for him.  The Mavs should do the same for Nowitzki.  Let him pick his team, doesn't matter who.  A lottery team won't trade a lottery pick for him anyway because he's not the answer to long term rebuilds.  So you let him pick his spot, you take back expiring contracts, and you get ready for the lottery run.

Dirk wins because he gets to compete for titles.  The Mavs win because they get worse.  Confused yet?

I was cheering for missing the playoffs at the end of this season because I'm realistic, you could see that team wasn't going to win a title.  Same with next year.  You keep Dirk, he's good enough to make sure you get in the playoffs, and miss the lotto.  But you can't win it all.  Cuban preaches that being mediocre isn't ok and he's not willing to be mediocre.  Time to prove it.



 End of Glorious Tidbit 7.7.12

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