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Fort Worth Police Release New Video Of Pickup Of Interest In Hit-And-Run

FORT WORTH (CBS11) - Amber Underwood didn't remember crossing the street. She didn't remember anything about the truck that slammed into her. She only remembered waking up, with a man holding her head, telling her she wasn't going to die.

Clinton Woods said he didn't see the incident either, but he heard it. He stopped his car, and jumped out to see two young women laying in the street.

Clinton Woods
Clinton Woods helped the hit-and-run victim (CBS11)

"She just looked up me and she asked me was she going to die," he recalled Thursday, back at the scene on North Main St. "I said, 'no sweetie you're not going to die. Everything's going to be ok. I called 911, I got 911 on the way'."

Woods' recollection of the event of the hit-and-run from early Sunday morning came as police released a new video clip of the truck they are still looking for.

A security camera shows it heading south on N. Main, just before passing through the intersection at NW 25th St.

The 1998-2000 Ford F-150 has a black and tan paint job, with striping on the side. Police believe there was more than one person in the truck.

vehicle of interest in Fort Worth hit-and-run
Vehicle of interest in Fort Worth hit-and-run

Woods said he wasn't sure how much he could help, but was intent on keeping the women calm.

"Almost for a minute you ask yourself, it there anybody else? Is there anybody else that's hurt? Like are these, is it only them?" he said. "And for a minute I'm looking around trying to see if there's anybody else, thinking I got to be dreaming."

Since that night, he said he has asked himself why he was in a position to be there, and be one of the people who did stop. He admits he's been struggling, away from family and out of work.

After days of thinking about it, and families telling him he helped save a life, he now sees it in a whole different light.

"It's about you saved my life," he said. "I didn't save your life. You saved my life too, because you made me realize life is precious. And we aren't to take life for granted. So I think, she's my angel."

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