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Fort Worth ISD Launches Mobile App

FORT WORTH (CBSDFW.COM) - Do you want to know your child's grades, or find out what is happening at their school today? There's an app for that, at least if you live in the Fort Worth Independent School District. The district launched a mobile app on Monday to help parents learn more about events at Fort Worth schools.

The app sends parents information including district updates, grade details, lunch account notices, sports scores, calendar events and more. District officials hope that the new mobile app will make it easier to communicate with parents, students and employees during emergency situations. "We are extremely excited to be deploying this mobile app," said Superintendent Walter Dansby. "It's so important that we can communicate effectively when there is an emergency. But it is even more important that we can communicate with our parents about the progress of their children in school. Our new mobile app puts the facts right into the hands of people who need it the most... our parents."

Only those parents who are enrolled in the district's online services have access to student information -- like grades and lunch accounts.

The mobile app also provides easy access to the district's various social media accounts, information on district-wide initiatives, and a simple way to contact security officers in case someone spots suspicious behavior on or around campus. The app is available in 70 languages and is available right now for both the iPhone and Android.

>> Download For iPhone
>> Download For Android

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