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Forney Family Still Thankful Despite Very Tough Year

FORNEY (CBSDFW.COM) - If you are having trouble thinking of things to be thankful for this year, just think about the Hardman family in Forney. They are facing some incredible challenges, but still find a way to celebrate life's little things.

"When I think about our story and what we're living," started Amy Hardman. "It is bad."

The Hardman family has had a rough year. Amy's husband was diagnosed with cancer in April. And just three months later, so was she. "Friends and family were devastated, but me? I said, 'I can take this. I can take on breast cancer.' But it would have just been better a year ago, or a year from now – not while Dan was sick, too," said Amy.

There has been a lot lost for Amy Hardman this year. She lost both her breasts. She lost a full head of hair. But the biggest loss came in September, when her husband lost his fight with cancer and passed away. "I'm glad I had 15 and a half years with him," she said. "But it wasn't long enough."

One thing that Amy has not lost, however, is who she is on the inside – a strong and happy person who looks for the positive things, even in the toughest of times.

When her hair started falling out, Amy threw a party and let each of her three children snip the blonde hair away and dye it pink.

"It felt good!" said 11-year-old Laney Hardman. She soon followed, and donated her long mane to cancer victims through Locks of Love. "I kind of like it because it was for a good cause, and I did it with my momma."

Amy's 4-year-old son, Cash, shaved his head also, in solidarity. "I get to be bald," he yelled, "like mommy!"

Amy is still battling breast cancer and has about an 80 percent chance of survival. Despite everything that the Hardman family has been through this year, they still took the time on Thanksgiving to remember what they have left – each other.

"Thankful that I still have my mom," said Laney.

"Food and our house," added 9-year-old Clancy.

"I'm thankful for everybody that helps us," said Cash.

"Makes me feel good, warm inside," said Amy about her children. "They're thankful for the simple things."

"They keep me going," added Amy. "We're a team. A big 'ole team."

Click here to learn more about the Hardman family and efforts to help them out.

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