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Former FBI Director Weighs In On Lake Highlands Attacks

DALLAS (KRLD) -- Former Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI Danny Coulson joined KRLD to discuss the recent string of sexual assaults that have occurred in the Lake Highlands area of Dallas.

Former Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI Danny Coulson

Three attacks on women in their homes have occurred with the past month, prompting residents to take additional precautions to protect themselves. A meeting was held Wednesday night at the Lake Highlands High School gymnasium, in which police provided tips to residents on how to protect themselves.

Police are unsure if the rapes are the work of a serial rapist or multiple suspects. Fernando Munoz was considered a prime suspect in an assault that happened on February 22, but a recent DNA analysis ruled him out.

"The thing to remember is that people have to start taking precautions here," said Coulson. "The police are minutes away when seconds matter."

Coulson recommends tasers, baseball bats, and even guns be kept on hand for protection.

Listen to the full interview for more information.

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