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Finally Some Rain

Today will NOT be like the weather of the last three weeks. It'll be wet and it'll be cooler:


Heavy rain moved through in the early morning across the Metroplex. Here were the totals as of 6am:

4CO Rainfall Totals

More rain fell in four hours at DFW than fell in the 69 days before. Today ends a very hot streak (and the last 100° weather of the season probably):

Rainfall Deficits


The actual cold front that is bringing this refreshing change of weather is making it's way through the metro area this afternoon. We are keeping rain/storms in the forecast for the rest of the day though coverage will be lower than this morning for the metro area but stay high for our southern counties:

NTX Rain ChancesSSsS

We'll warm up tomorrow back into the low 90's with some storms across our southern counties close to the stalled front. That front returns as a warm front on Friday; we'll have highs back in the 90's but a 30% storm chance. That evening another front comes through making for a much cooler and dry weekend:

INT - Extended AM CSV
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