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Father Cleared Of Making Terroristic Threat: "I'm Not A Monster"

NORTH TEXAS (CBS 11 NEWS) - The man accused of making terroristic threats at his son's school has been found not guilty by a jury.

Staff members at Celina Elementary said an unarmed Ronald Miller role-played a shooter in the school's office.  Miller told CBS 11's Joel Thomas his intentions were in the right place and the story was blown out of proportion.

"Basically the question was what were the security measures for the school," Miller said.  "And the whole thing is about protecting the kids and protecting he employees at the school."

Ronald Miller
(credit: CBSDFW.COM)

Miller says what happened at his son's elementary school has been taken out of context. Staff reported Miller came into the school aggressively, pretending to be a shooter, pointing a finger at people and saying 'you're dead.'

Miller claims to have gone into the office and asked what security was in place to prevent a shooter from entering the building. He said there was no finger pointing or saying you're dead.

"At no time was my intention to scare anybody, to put anybody in fear," Miller said.  "If anybody ever felt that way I am truly sorry.  It was not my intention at all."

The district's superintendent, Donny Odell, sent a statement out about the jury's not guilty verdict:

"The courts have spoken. We are law abiding citizens and we will abide by the courts verdict and that's where we will leave It. We are going to do everything to make sure our kids are safe."

Many parents of students at the school we spoke with were okay with the verdict.

"We just have to accept that," said dad Oscar Cavasos.  "That's what the system is made up for. It's there for that reason."

"He may have overreacted a little bit," mother Kim Nichols said as she waited for her child to be released from school.  "But I'm sure its okay that he got off."

But most people, Miller included, agree he might have thought of a different way to address security issues.

Miller openly admitted, "I think there might have been a better way for me to do it. Or, maybe have somebody with a tape recorder recording me so no one could take me out of context. I'm not a monster and unfortunately the media kind of made me look like a monster."

(©2014 CBS Local Media, a division of CBS Radio Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

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