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Fans React To Possible Season Ending Romo Injury

ARLINGTON (CBS 11 NEWS) - Dallas Cowboys fans dumped on their team and quarterback Tony Romo for back-to-back losses this month to the Chicago Bears and Green Bay Packers.

Then, they celebrated, when Romo helped win Sunday's game against the Washington Redskins.

But when Kevin Wood heard the star quarterback is hurt and may not play in this Sunday's winner-take-all against the Philadelphia Eagles, he said, "It's just a sick feeling. The last, best shot."

So left with a choice of Romo or back-up quarterback Kyle Orton, who do fans prefer?

Wood said, "In a perfect world, I'd love to see Romo play, but I don't want him out there hurt, compromising their chance of winning. Having said that, I'd feel better with Orton at this point."

Cowboys fan Cale Wilkinson said, "I'd go with Orton because he's more healthy. Every time he comes in he's a good quarterback."

Other Cowboys enthusiasts though still believe in Romo. Ray Chancellor said, "We're going to need him if we have any chance of making the playoffs." Justin English had nothing but praise.  "Romo is the man."

Regardless of who plays, there's one story line that has lasted all season:  Wood says, "The drama, the drama."

Fans say they don't want their season to end Sunday, in another year of being 8 and 8.

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