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Fans Adapt As Lightning Shifts Football Schedules

MCKINNEY (CBS11) - Normally rain alone won't stop high school football, but lightning is a different story. Several North Texas games were either cancelled or postponed when lightning got too close Thursday night.

There would be no band at halftime, but rain-themed music entertained fans as McKinney High School and Wylie East High School teams prepared to finish what they started before lightning got too close to the field Thursday night. Even in the middle of the afternoon Christy Wilson wasn't going to miss seeing her son take the field.

"It's also the smartest decision to get the game played because the weather is not going to let up anytime soon. I think they picked a good window to do it," Wilson said.

"We waited almost 'til about 10:15 for the lightning to delay and everybody was sitting in their cars and thinking that the lightning was going to go away, but it didn't," Wylie East mom Lydia Dean added.

Most parents agreed game officials made the right call to postpone the game, and die-hard fans refused to let the prospect of more rain keep them away.

"It's my son's senior year. I'm not going to miss a game, come Hell or high water," Wylie East dad Brian Bailey said.

"Oh, a little rain won't hurt anybody. This is Texas, you know, football is king. You know we just do what we have to do to get the game played," Wilson said.

Schools in the area are trying to maximize the calm periods. The McKinney Boyd - Flower Mound Marcus game that was scheduled for 7:30p Friday moved to an early start at 6p.

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