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Experts say to give yourself grace when protecting your peace

How people are turning to holistic healing for their minds
How people are turning to holistic healing for their minds 03:49

DALLAS, Texas (CBSDFW.COM) - During World Mental Health Day, CBS 11 looked into different ways for people to better their mind. 

CBS 11 spent the day speaking with a local therapist and meditation center to hear what they've seen recently and share advice they have to offer. 

"What I've really seen is just an increase in anxiety," licensed therapist Alana Brooks said. 

It's no secret the pandemic, politics and social stress have all taken a toll on our mental health. When it comes to protecting your peace, mental health therapist Brooks said give yourself grace.

"Kind of normalize that we all are having a hard time is really helpful in helping us manage ourselves. And then just daily self care, so what can you do is what feels good for you?" Brooks said. "Maybe it's dedicating yourself to doing that walk every morning, maybe it's acknowledging the moment."

For some people, it's sitting in silence, meditation.

"That is our zen, to go class. Really, it's sort of a mid-day break for people who may be stressful lives, stressful morning at work. This is where they can come," Dallas Meditation Center Director Miguel Chen said. 

Local nonprofit, Dallas Meditation Center offers sessions for people who seek to quiet their minds. Their classes help eliminate distractions that can often overwhelm our lives. 

"I just want them to go out of here with a calmer mind and a little bit more of an open heart," Chen said. 

He invites anyone across the Metroplex to join them. 

Meanwhile, Brooks said it's good to see more people having conversations about mental health. 

"There has been a really big increase in awareness of mental health and more conversations around it. It's great to see that increase because that's how we will ultimately increase our own mental health, by breaking the stigma," Brooks said. 

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