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'Anything Less Is The Epitome Of Inhumanity,' Texas Gov. Abbott Demands President Biden Surge COVID Vaccines To Border Patrol Agents 

ANZALDUAS PARK, MISSION, Texas (CBSDFW.COM) - Texas Governor Greg Abbott did not mince words when demanding that the Biden administration send COVID-19 vaccines to border patrol officers on the U.S.- Mexico border.

"They should surge vaccines to the Texas-Mexico border this week. Anything less than that is the epitome of inhumanity. Border patrol agents work for the federal government and should be provided vaccines. They are on the front line and that is why I demand the president send vaccines this week!"

Gov. Abbott's plea came during a press conference on March 9 at the Texas-Mexico border to discuss the state's border security efforts amid what he calls an ongoing humanitarian crisis.

Second only to Abbott's concern about illegal immigration, cartels and the status of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) -- "ICE is essential and we expect the Biden administration to add additional funding" -- the governor seemed appalled about the current lack of vaccines for border agents.

"I fully expect the Biden administration to stop playing word games and step up and do their job," said Abbott.



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