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Ex-Texas Tech Players: Gillispie Broke NCAA Rules

LUBBOCK (CBS SPORTS) -Texas Tech coach Billy Gillispie, who has come under fire for his treatment of players, also had broken NCAA rules with marathon practices, several of his former players told

Kevin Wagner and Jaron Nash both told on Friday that Gillispie often practiced in excess of four hours -- which is against NCAA rules -- and once went nearly eight hours on a Saturday early last November. The NCAA permits coaches to practice for no more than four hours per day and 20 per week.

"We practiced a lot more than 20 hours a week," Wagner said.

Gillispie and Red Raiders athletic director Kirby Hocutt did not immediately respond to calls from A source close to Gillispie told's Gary Parrish early Friday that "this is very, very serious" when asked whether Gillispie's job is in danger.

"We practiced two hours, then he told us to leave and go shave because he didn't like the way we looked," said Wagner, who is now at McClellan Junior College. "Then we came back, practiced two more hours before he told us to get a haircut. Then we came back and did about four more before he kicked us out."

Another ex-player, who did not wish to be identified, estimated the entire November practice lasted a total of 10 hours.

"We used to go more than four hours all the time," added Nash, who transferred to North Dakota after last season. "I remember that day when we went almost all day. We didn't leave until 9 p.m. or so. It was pretty bad. A lot of guys were really hurt after it. One guy had a stress fracture in both legs."


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