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Ennis ISD classes canceled Thursday due to ongoing boil water notice

City of Ennis remains under a boil water notice for Thursday
City of Ennis remains under a boil water notice for Thursday 01:54

The City of Ennis remains under a boil water notice and Ennis ISD canceled classes on Thursday after the water pressure dropped below standards.

On social media, the school district said it will continue to monitor the situation.     

It's been an ongoing issue for days due to an eight-inch water main break at the intersection of I-45 and Highway 34 on Saturday.

Monday evening, the largest water main break was successfully repaired, and water service was restored to the affected area of the city

Water samples were collected and sent to the lab for testing on Monday. Tuesday night the results came back negative, the city said, "unfortunately pressure dropped below standards again so another sample will be submitted." 

Samples submitted Tuesday and returned Wednesday tested negative for contaminants; however, the city said "out of an abundance of caution" it is waiting to rescind the boil water notice until additional results are returned on Thursday afternoon.

"[The] safety of our citizens is our number one priority," the city said in a statement. "We are deeply grateful for the patience, understanding, and community spirit demonstrated during this time."

Bottled water distribution will continue at Fire Station No. 1 located at 1700 Lake Bardwell Dr.  

For households that have running water, the city said to boil water for at least one minute to ensure harmful bacteria is killed. This includes drinking water for humans and pets, water for cooking, making ice and brushing teeth. The city said it's safe to shower, but said to not swallow the water. 

The city said it's safe to use water to run laundry and dishwashers since most machines have sanitation cycles. 

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