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During Interview Bombing Suspect Accuses Police, Nurses Of Torture

COLLIN COUNTY (CBS 11 NEWS) - Now that he's fired his attorney, bombing suspect Anson Chi is defending himself on charges he tried blowing up a natural gas pipeline in Plano nearly two years ago.

In an interview from the Collin County Jail Thursday, the 35-year-old accused Plano police officers and nurses and aides at Parkland Hospital of torturing him while he was being treated for burns -- all to get him to confess.

Chi said, "The nurses at Parkland hospital embedded IV's between my right thumb and forefinger, and underneath my forearm while police pinned me down."

Chi offered no proof, but denied the markings are the result of being burned during the incident.

Shortly after the June 2012 incident CBS 11 News shot video of Chi being escorted into court. He was wrapped in bandages.

A Parkland Hospital spokeswoman referred us to Plano police.

Chi said he filed a formal complaint with Plano police last April, which is confirmed by the department. He claims no one ever got back to him.

A police department spokesman said there was no evidence to substantiate Chi's allegations.

Chi is now also accusing the FBI of covering up his medical record.  "Because I wouldn't talk, they tried to kill me, and after that, when they told me if I didn't talk to the FBI, I would be tortured again because I had no chance. I talked and spilled everything."

The FBI and U.S. Attorney's Office declined comment.

Chi's interview comes after he fired his attorney and began defending himself against the charges.

Last June, Chi pleaded guilty to two charges as part of a deal with prosecutors in which he would be sentenced to 22 years in federal prison. But on Wednesday Chi backed out of the deal, claiming because he was tortured the charges should be dropped.

The case against Chi still stands.  When asked why he had metal nitrate on the night of June 18, 2012 at the natural gas pipeline in Plano, Chi shook his head and said, "I will not answer anything related to the case."

Chi said he doesn't expect people will believe his allegations, but he claims a medical exam would prove he was tortured.

Now that he has withdrawn his plea, Chi faces a maximum penalty of 60 years in prison if he's convicted at trial.

Follow Jack on Twitter:  @cbs11jack

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