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Drivers Say Deadly Crash Happened On Dangerous Road

BURLESON (CBS 11 NEWS) - A Tarrant County commissioner says a safety check will be done "out of an abundance of caution" on a stretch of Burleson-Retta road where four people died this weekend. But Commissioner Roy Brooks said his office has not received any formal complaints about the stretch of road. A representative of County Judge Glen Whitley's office said he wasn't aware of any complaints either.

But people who live along the stretch of road know how dangerous it can be.

"I think its dangerous at night time," said Elliott Hughes, who drives to and from his home on the stretch of road. "There are a lot of blind corners. An inexperienced driver or if you're under the influence of something you're not going to have a chance to stop."

The deadly stretch of Burleson-Retta road has many driver challenges. There are sharp corners, a blind hill, drivers pulling onto the road from another busy street and from driveways, and there's no shoulder for an emergency.

And for all its obvious hazards, home owners say drivers still use the straight-away like a race track.

"They've had several bad accidents out here," said Ron Caram, one of the first people to live on the street. Three or four months ago they had a head-on collision out here. It's a very narrow road and carries a lot of traffic. But they drive entirely too fast and make a drag strip out of it because its a straight-away."

"I'm afraid to go out to my mailbox because they drive too fast," said Jean Donaho, who also lives on the stretch of road where the crash happened. "So, I just wait like everybody else, to get out of my driveway. And that's the one thing (we) didn't like when we moved here, the road."

Several "rumble strips" placed before a 90-degree turn leading into the straight away have worn away.

The sheriff's department does patrol the area. In fact, people who live here say deputies focused on the area to hand out tickets as recently as two weeks ago.

But residents are wanting a permanent solution.

"I don't know if they need to put speed bumps here," Caram said. "But they've got to do something to slow this traffic down because it has got so bad."

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