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Driver Not Seriously Hurt After Cow Collision

DALLAS (CBS 11 NEWS)- As if Dallas traffic isn't bad enough during the afternoon rush hour, it's not every day when a cow makes it even worse.

But that's exactly what happened.

Melanie Kelly's drive home turned out to be a wild ride she won't soon forget.  "It was really scary."

Kelly was driving east out of downtown Dallas along I-30 near Ferguson when, "All of a sudden out of the corner of my eye, I could see this cow hop over the concrete barrier."

That's right; the cow slammed into her SUV, and was killed.

She was driving in the HOV lane and couldn't steer clear of it.

Kelly says, "I immediately tried to slam on the brakes, but you know, I'm going 60 miles an hour, I couldn't slow down fast enough.

My first reaction is why in the heck is there a cow in the middle of I-30?"

Reports say the cow somehow got loose on Dolphin Road, and ventured its way on I-30 during the afternoon rush.  Some people tried to corral it."

Kelly says, "They were out of their cars, their cars were parked out on the highway stopped in the lanes and they were trying to get the cow."

But it jumped over the barrier and right into her truck -- creating a different kind of fender bender.

Kelly took a picture of the cow so her friends would believe her.

She says she has a sore back, but is thankful she and her one-and-a-half-year-old son, who was riding with her, weren't seriously hurt.

Kelly says the owner of the cow met with her at the scene and was very apologetic about what happened.

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