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Documents Released In Sexual Harassment Case Against Tarrant DA

FORT WORTH (CBSDFW.COM) - Tarrant County released more than 100 pages of emails, notes and other documents related to a sexual harassment charge against District Attorney Joe Shannon Friday afternoon.

The documents show the alleged harassment included years of sexually charged comments, and physical contact directed toward assistant DA Sabrina Sabin.

READ: The full documents -

Speaking publicly about the case for the first time Friday, Sabin all she ever wanted was for the truth about her experience to come out.
"At the time, my kids were young, I needed my job," she said Friday. "It's something I came home and talked with my husband about on a daily basis."

A diary-like documenting by Sabin says the harassment started after Shannon promoted her within the office, even though there was no position available.

READ: Sabin's Timeline -

She says it started with comment about how nice she looked. It advanced she claims to direct comments about wanting to see her breasts. Sabin said Shannon told her "If you ever decide to surprise me and show them to me, no one has to know."

She described a physical confrontation in April 2009:

"…grabbed me around the waist and back and pushed me back inside my office door. I pushed him back as much as I could and I was turned to the side but my breast areas was pushed into the side of him and he kept pushing me back. I finally pushed him away and stepped to the other side of my desk."

"Until you walk where I was, until you're in that position, I don't think anybody can understand how stressful it can be," she said.

In a statement, Joe Shannon denied the claims, saying in part: "It has always been denied that anyone intended to or did harass or retaliate against anyone else."

He said in the same statement that the claims came as a complete surprise, "on the heels of some job reassignments."

READ: Full statement from Shannon -

Emails and meeting notes indicate there were questions about Sabin's work performance in 2012, including getting to work on time, unscheduled absences and rumors 'she was on something'."

Those concerns were noted though according the documents, a month after Sabin had verbally mentioned harassment concerns to county employees. Sabin's diaries show that she had spoken to Shannon about concerns, as early as 2009. Her work reviews show positive scores, each year of her employment.

The county paid Sabin $300,000 to settle the case in September, then spent more than $200,000 on consultants and outside law firms to fight the release of details of the claim. The State Attorney General ruled earlier this month that portions of the investigation must be released.

READ: Tarrant County Human Resources Statement On Sabin Documents -

County Judge Glen Whitley sent out a statement Friday saying "if I do comment, it could result in more taxpayer dollars being spent on legal fees."

READ: Judge Whitley's Statement -

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