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Do Office Pools Increase Your Chance Of Winning Powerball?

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DALLAS (CBSDFW) Powerball is breaking every record as the jackpot climbs higher, and North Texans are starting to get together with coworkers, family, or friends to try and pool their luck.

Everyone throws in about $2, the price of a Powerball ticket, and then trusts that should their group win, everyone will share nicely.

The whole office of Dallas's Meyer, Friedman, and Reed law firm has gone in on Powerball together.

"There's no trust issues in our office," says Adam Reed. "If we had a bigger office, it might be a different story."

Reed says friendships among their coworkers are so strong, they didn't even keep a record of everyone's names for Powerball.

"The safest thing would've been to do that, from a lawyer perspective," he says. "But from an inter-office relationship standpoint, these are all friends and family. We've been together for years, and we trust each other."

The Texas Lottery says however, that keeping a record of who has chipped in for Powerball is the most important thing lottery groups can do. And should your group claim the ultimate jackpot, whoever is in charge of the pool should sign the winning ticket immediately, no matter how your group is set up.

Texas Lottery officials add that any disputes over sharing the winnings are not their concern, and they will not get involved.
And if the office of Meyer, Friedman, and Reed is the winning group?

"We're closing the office down, going to Hawaii, drinking Mai Tais, and staying there as long as we can," says Reed.

(©2016 CBS Local Media, a division of CBS Radio Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

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