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DISD Superintendent Requiring Drivers To Sign Confidentiality Agreement

DALLAS (CBS 11 NEWS) - Dallas Independent School District Superintendent Mike Miles facing yet another controversy — this time involving the confidentiality expected of district drivers.

Miles is requiring drivers to sign an agreement acknowledging "that any breach of trust or confidentiality on the part of a driver will result in serious employment consequences, from a reprimand up to and including termination."

In response to questions about the agreement, the superintendent's office released a statement calling the mandate a "reasonable and acceptable request given the amount of confidential information the superintendent must discuss as he carries out the business of the district and seeks the best interests of our students."

Miles has been no stranger to controversy during his still brief stint as DISD Chief. He is a public figure, tasked with educating the community's kids and spending taxpayer dollars. So, is it unreasonable for him to expect privacy in the course of performing a very public job?

Mel Fugate, Ph.D., Associate professor of Management and Organizations at SMU's Cox School of Business, says "No."

"In order to get things done, not every discussion can not be had in front of the masses," says Professor Fugate. "You can't have everybody weigh in on every single issue; obviously you would never be able to get your job done… you, me, or anybody else."

The confidentiality agreement goes on to thank the drivers for their service to the district. But, makes clear that 'loose lips' could lead to a 'lost job.'

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