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Denton Public Library Cancels 'Rainbow Story Time' Event Due To Safety Concerns

DALLAS, Texas (CBSDFW.COM) - The Denton Public Library will not hold its popular Rainbow Story Time event this weekend due to safety concerns.

Library officials said that an "alarming" amount of disrespectful and harmful comments led them to their decision.

The event was originally scheduled to coincide with National Transgender Day of Remembrance, which is observed annually on November 20 in remembrance of individuals murdered as a result of transphobia. It is intended to draw attention to violence experienced by transgender people.

Officials believe that the controversy is due to a misunderstanding.

An incorrect program title led community members to believe that the Story Time would be teaching children about gender identity, sex, and sexual orientation.

Library officials stated that these topics would not be taught and that the program would instead provide a way for families to hear stories on self-acceptance, learning, and friendship.

The library is working to reschedule the event at a later date.


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