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Dedication Draws International A-List Guests

DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - President Obama's motorcade arrived just after nine in the morning. His arrival was the first of many notable guests at Thursday's dedication of the George W. Bush Presidential Center. The ceremony was a Super Bowl of political power.

Former Prime Ministers of Israel and Great Britain attended the ceremony alongside the prime ministers of America's Team and America's favorite past time -- Jerry Jones and Nolan Ryan.

It was a dedication for a former President's political era, set on the world stage in a city long bearing the burden of  tragic Presidential history.

Dignitaries shined as much light on Dallas as they did on the Bush Presidential Center.

"I think its terrific for the city of Dallas and SMU that we're going to be the home of this libary and museum," said Sen. Ted Cruz.

The thousands who marched through the entrance gates of the dedication watched a list of who's who.

"The significance of Dallas and its relationship to Presidents... this is significant.  This is a big day for Dallas." said Army Lt. Gen. (ret.) Russel Honore.

Former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge, Bush Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice., George P. Bush (along with dad Jeb and  James Baker) also came.

From around the globe, world leaders filled the seats at the dedication, and saluted with their presence,  not only the namesake of this center but the presence of current and former Presidents in the city.

"It shows Dallas is a city that welcomes all," said former State Sen. Florence Shapiro.

Former U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk, who has known the Bush's for years was happy to express his support.

"I am proud for them and their gift to Dallas.

Here's a list of foreign dignitaries who attended the Bush Library Opening:

Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen (NATO)

President Mikheil Saakashvilli and Mrs. Sandra E. Roelofs (Georgia)

President Josè Marìa Aznar (Spain)

Prime Minister and Mrs. Ehud Olmert (Israel)

Prime Minister and Mrs. John Howard (Australia)

President Lee Myung-bak and Mrs. Yoon-ok Kim (Korea)

Prime Minister Tony Blair and Mrs. Cherie Blair (United Kingdom)

President John Kufuor (Ghana)

President Francisco Flores Perèz and Mrs. Lourdes Maria Rodriguez de Flores (El Salvador)

Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi (Italy)

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