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Debris From Missing Malaysian Jetliner May Have Been Found

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (CBSNEWS/CBSDFW.COM) - Satellite imagery has revealed two objects that could be debris from a missing Malaysian jetliner, Australia's Prime Minister announced Thursday.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott made the announcement to members of the Australian Parliament.  He said a Royal Australian Air Force Orion aircraft has been sent to the area to attempt to locate the objects.

"New and credible information has come to light in relation to the search for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 in the southern Indian Ocean," Abbott said.

The family of Keller resident Philip Wood took to Facebook to issue a short statement after the news:

"Please keep all the passengers and loved ones of MH370 in your positive thoughts and prayers as this latest news report unfolds."

Read more on the story from CBS News.......

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