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Day Of Remembrance At Grapevine 9/11 Memorial

GRAPEVINE (CBS 11 NEWS) - Despite chilly, wet weather, people brought flowers to the Flight Crew Memorial in Grapevine Monday.  They weren't there as much to celebrate the death of a terrorist, they said, as it was to remember the human toll of 9/11 they recall so vividly.

"It's a remembrance to the flight attendants who gave their lives," said Steve Thorpe, who works as a flight attendant for American Airlines.  "They used every bit of the training they knew at the time to take care of the passengers."

"I try to come once a month just to say hi," said Joni Schippel, a retired flight attendant.

"When you're a flight attendant you feel like you know everybody that's a flight attendant," Schippel said.  "It's a very close family. And I just wanted to do this.

But for people who share the flight attendants' bond it is also a time to share a part of history.

Flowers laid at the Flight Crew Memorial in Grapevine. (Photo credit Joel Thomas, CBS 11 News)

American Airlines sent out a statement about bin Laden's death:

"While we are collectively aware of today's news, our company continues to remain focused on moving forward from that terrible day, while continuing to remember, think of and pray for those who lost their lives, as well as for their loved ones who remain behind."

But the people who visit the memorial know one man's death is a healing step for an entire aviation community.

"I hate to say I'm thrilled about someone's death," said Schippel. "But I was kind of happy about this."

"I was elated," Thorpe said. "I started clapping and I was really thrilled.  You know, I don't like the thought of war. But, he had it coming. That's all I can say."

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