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Dallas Stars Create Special Moment For Fan Battling Leukemia

DALLAS (CBS11 SPORTS) - In a year that saw some high hopes on the ice fade, the Dallas Stars can take solace in their commitment to the real power play in life.

On team photo day, Stars defenseman John Klingberg made one young man's wildest dreams come true.

In partnership with the Flashes of Hope, a national nonprofit organization that creates uplifting portraits of children fighting cancer, Klingberg hosted 15-year-old Cameron Ross and his family for the day.

John Klingberg and Cameron Ross
John Klingberg and Cameron Ross (CBS11 Sports)

Ross, who was diagnosed with leukemia last September, got to see practice, tour the locker room and facilities at American Airlines Center and have lunch with the NHL All-Star.

When asked what advice he would give other people battling serious illness, Ross said, "to keep their head up because it will be over one day."

Stars General Manager Jim Nill spent much of the practice shoulder to shoulder with Ross.

He's very familiar with the battle he's facing. Nill's wife has battled cancer for 36 years. He says Ross will be a shining light to a lot of people.

Ross' mother Janene says the experience has raised his spirits.

Another example of how sports can build a bridge for almost every situation.

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