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Dallas Special Ed Teacher Finds Dream Job After Continuing Education

Providing training and support to parents of children with autism is the job of Stacey Callaway for the Allen Independent School District. She earned master's and doctorate degrees in special education from the University of North Texas.

Why did you pursue a master's degree?

"I always knew I wanted to be a special education teacher. When I finished my undergraduate degree in special education, I didn't quite feel prepared. I was in a great program, but wanted and needed to know more. I left East Texas and came to DFW to get a master's in special education with a specialization in behavior disorders and autism."

What would you tell someone who is considering returning to school to earn a master's degree? 

"When pursuing a master's degree, it's generally because you want to know more. Find a program that will engage you in both scholarly and practical opportunities in your field of interest."

What was the biggest challenge you faced when pursuing your master's degree? 

"I think that working full-time while pursuing any type of degree is a huge challenge. It's almost inevitable that most graduate students are also working, and many juggling a family as well. In those first years of teaching, when I was brand new to the classroom, I was tired. I taught eight children with autism, with just enough knowledge about teaching them to keep me going, and then I had class, and papers to write and tests to take. It was tough, but worth every bit of the challenge. When I pursued my Ph.D., the challenges were a little bit different. I had been in the field for 15 years, and I was confident in my job as a teacher. My challenge was jumping back into the role of being a student. I wouldn't trade either of these opportunities for anything."

What was the biggest reward for earning the master's degree? 

"My master's degree guided me in the direction of my dreams, I learned so much, made strong connections, and paved the road to my future."

Robin D. Everson is a native Chicagoan who resides in Dallas, Texas. Her appreciation for art, food, wine, people and places has helped her become a well-respected journalist. A life-long lover of education, Robin seeks to learn and enlighten others about culture. You can find her work at 

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