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Dallas County Sheriff Seriously Considering Run For Governor

DALLAS (CBS11) - From the county sheriff's office to the state capitol?

Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez is seriously considering a run for Texas governor.

Her candidacy could mean serious changes for Dallas County. She would have to resign her position as sheriff just to run for governor.

"You can't just jump into something like this without any kind of thinking about it and research," said Sheriff Valdez. "Seeing who's going to back you and when I feel comfortable with that, (it's) either yes or no."

Valdez faces tough competition.

Governor Greg Abbott easily beat Democratic candidate Wendy Davis by 20 points in 2014.

Abbott also already has more than $40 million tucked away to campaign.

"If I can't do balance and I can't do fairness, what's the sense of doing it?" questioned Valdez.

The two have history.

In late July, Abbott defended a new sanctuary city law at the Sheriff's Association of Texas in Grapevine continued to pledge his support of the bathroom bill.

Valdez, who is openly gay, argued the bathroom bill hurt children more than it helped and said the sanctuary city law persuaded certain communities away from reporting crime.

"What you have to do is what's best for the whole. I'm tired of the polarizing. I'm extremely tired of polarizing. I think the majority of people are," said Valdez. "We've got to come together."

While she is a strong believer in having two parties, Valdez said voters have a lot more in common than most think.

"I have sat with Republicans who believe in climate change. I have sat with Republicans who believe immigration is good for the economy," said Valdez. "We have something in common in every case. Why don't we dwell on that?"

The focus at the moment will be on whether her run is worth the risk.

"When I know," said Valdez. "When I know, you'll know. Okay?"

Saturday is the first official day to file candidacy for office.

Valdez has until the state deadline of December 11 at 6:00 p.m. to make her decision.

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