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Dallas County Reports More Patients Admitted To ICU For Coronavirus This Past Week Than Peak Of Last Flu Season

DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - The number of patients testing positive for COVID-19 in Dallas County grew by 100 Wednesday, the largest single increase since the virus was first detected in North Texas.

The county reports more patients were admitted into intensive care units with COVID-19 last week than flu patients during the peak of the 2019-2020 flu season.

"The numbers are increasing and this is exactly why we're very concerned," said Dr. John Carlo, past president of the Dallas County Medical Society.

The newly announced cases, he says, do not reflect the impact of social distancing measures now in place.

"That's at least two weeks ago that their exposure occurred," he said.

Tuesday marked two weeks since Dallas County first started closing businesses with executive orders affecting bars, restaurants, gyms and theaters. It's been only one week since the county implemented its stay-at-home order.

"You're at the bottom edge, just beginning the curve…" said Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins, who implemented the executive orders.

He's tweeted encouraging residents to "#FlattenTheCurve," but he says it's only now that we'll start to see how high that curve may go.

The governor's new order telling Texans to stay home except for essential activities gives him hope.

"I feel better about our chances over the last 36 hours than I have throughout this," he said.

Dr. Carlo says hospitals have moved quickly to open up additional bed space, as well.

"I think there's been remarkable progress from our hospital partners," he said.

He warns, though, doctors are still bracing for a surge in patients.

"We're still going to hit close to our hospital capacity and that's really where we're watching very very carefully," he said.

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