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Dallas County Health Officials Report More Than 1,450 Children Test COVID Positive In July

DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - More than 1,450 children under 18 years of age were diagnosed with confirmed COVID-19 during the first three weeks of July. During this timeframe, 29 children were hospitalized for COVID-19, including four admitted to intensive care units.

Heath officials are also reporting 426 additional confirmed cases of COVID-19, bringing the total confirmed case count in Dallas County to 47,239, including 607 confirmed deaths.

The additional 2 deaths being reported Monday include:

- A man in his 50s who was a resident of the City of Balch Springs. He had been critically ill in an area hospital, and had underlying high risk health conditions.

- A man in his 60s who was a resident of the City of Dallas. He had been critically ill in an area hospital, and did not have any underlying high risk health conditions.

"Today's numbers are lower than they have been since June 25. Although there is some concern that some of the testing may not be getting through on the reports due to a potential glitch in the state's electronic laboratory reporting system, I'm increasingly optimistic that your use of masks and sacrificial delay of unnecessary trips outside the home for things other than necessities are having an impact on flattening the recent explosion in cases since the Governor's Open Texas plan was implemented. Please keep wearing your mask and don't let up on making smart decisions. Public health and our economy can't afford it.

For detailed advice from doctors on which activities to participate in and how to participate in those activities, please go to, and when you leave your home, even if you're walking the dog and think you won't see other people, take a mask with you because you could run into people. If you're walking on a trail, and people are walking the opposite direction, you'll be within six feet of one another so please wear your face covering, and although not mandated by the Governor's or Dallas County's order, the CDC strongly encourages children over age two to wear a face covering. As I've said before, please avoid any business where a face mask cannot be worn one hundred percent of the time," said Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins.

Of all confirmed cases requiring hospitalization to date, more than two-thirds were under 65 years of age. Diabetes is an underlying high-risk health condition reported in about a third of all hospitalized patients with COVID-19.

The percentage of respiratory specimens testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 remains high, with 22% of symptomatic patients presenting to area hospitals testing positive in week 29. Of cases requiring hospitalization who reported employment, more than 80% were critical infrastructure workers, with a broad range of affected occupational sectors, including: healthcare, transportation, food and agriculture, public works, finance, communications, clergy, first responders and other essential functions.

Of the 607 confirmed deaths reported to date, about a third were associated with long-term care facilities.


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