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Dallas Counselor Uses Education To Help Others Temper Themselves

Nathaniel Smith is a licensed professional counselor, cognitive behavioral therapist, anger management and anxiety specialist. He primarily treats men with anger management issues. Smith earned his bachelor's in sociology from McNeese State University in Lake Charles, Louisiana and his master's from Amberton University in counseling. He is currently working on his doctoral studies in psychology in an online program.

Why did you pursue a master's degree?

"I was exposed to people in healthcare. My father was a mental health provider. I knew from early childhood that I wanted to help others. You need a master's degree to be a licensed professional counselor."

What would you tell someone who is considering returning to school to earn a master's degree?

"An undergrad education gives you the basics of a study, the theory, but pursuing a master's degree helps you with critical thinking and application in your field of study."

What was the biggest challenge you faced when pursuing your master's degree?

"I was working while pursuing a master's degree so financial constraints were a challenge. I took out loans to pay for my graduate degree program and it was worth it. It takes discipline and dedication but the experience is gratifying."

What was the biggest reward for earning the master's degree?

"The pleasure of helping others was the biggest reward. I have been able to help others around the country through my books. 'Taming Your Temper: A Workbook For Individuals, Couples, and Groups,' is a guide that helps people successfully manage their anger."

Smith knows first hand how to counsel others on divorce. As a survivor of divorce, Smith is a contributor to The Good Men Project, a website that discusses men's issues, has written several articles, like "How To Have A Healthy Divorce," "Is Forgiveness Important For Men Who Abuse Others," "A Man's Guide To Effective Communication" and "Do You Have The Hell-No, I Won't Let Go Syndrome," and "Stop Seeking Safety In Your Behaviors."

Robin D. Everson is a native Chicagoan who resides in Dallas, Texas. Her appreciation for art, food, wine, people and places has helped her become a well-respected journalist. A life-long lover of education, Robin seeks to learn and enlighten others about culture. You can find her work at 

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