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Cruz Outmaneuvers Trump On North Dakota Delegates

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WASHINGTON (AP) — Ted Cruz is outmaneuvering Donald Trump in North Dakota, scooping up endorsements from delegates who were selected at the party's state convention over the weekend.

All 28 of North Dakota's delegates will go to the national convention as free agents, free to support the candidate of their choice.

But in interviews, 10 said they are committed to vote for Cruz at the convention. A few others said they are leaning toward Cruz, though they weren't ready to commit.

None has endorsed Trump so far.

The process of selecting people to be delegates at the national convention is tedious and complicated, and the rules vary from state to state.

So far, Cruz is excelling at this insiders' game by getting delegates who would be loyal to him.

Trump, however, still has a big lead in the delegate count because of his success at the polls.

The AP delegate count:

Trump: 737.

Cruz: 475.

Kasich: 143.

Needed to win the nomination: 1,237.

(© Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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