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A&M Student Shares Good Feelings After Ted Cruz, Beto O'Rourke Sighting At Houston Airport

(CBSDFW.COM) - They've shaken hands on the debate stage, but for the first time since the midterm election last Tuesday, Sen. Ted Cruz and the man he narrowly defeated for U.S. Senate, Rep. Beto O'Rourke found themselves at the same gate for the same flight out of Houston.

Tiffany Easter, a Texas A&M student in the Bush School of Government and Public Service, got pictures with the pair and said she was thrilled to witness O'Rourke walk over to Sen. Cruz and congratulate him on being reelected.

Easter posted her experience on Facebook and Twitter Tuesday, saying how much it meant to her to see a pair of politicians from opposite sides be civil to one another after a tough campaign.

On Twitter, Easter wrote, "@BetoORourke & @tedcruz, thank you  for showing us the best of America today @ IAH. Thanks for the conversion, courage, humility, and inspiration. Post-election doesn't mean the conversation and civic engagement stops-in fact, it means the opposite.  Thanks for your public service.

On Facebook, she posted, "STORY TIME: Low quality pic, HIGH quality encounter: We're in Houston about to fly out to Washington D.C. for the week and who is on our flight? Beto AND Ted Cruz. Beto, noticed Ted sitting down and walked over to congratulate him on his re-election campaign. It was the first time they had seen each other since the election and the entire conversation was both of them talking about how they could move forward TOGETHER. The Texas Senate race was one of the most contested and most watched in the nation. Today we literally watched them come together. This is America. This is good. This is wholesome. This is why I love and do what I do."

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